Guerrero Olivos assists Elementa in acquisition of CF and Trace Chile and Peru
Guerrero Olivos has assisted Elementa Foods Chile (Elementa) in the due diligence process, negotiation and preparation of the necessary legal documentation for the acquisition of 100% of the shares of the Chilean companies Camilo Ferrón Chile (CF), Trace Sudamericana (Trace Chile) and the Peruvian subsidiary Trace Perú (Trace Perú).
The transaction, completed on 16 December, involved the Chilean and Peruvian jurisdictions. Torretti & Cía. advised ITA on tax matters and NLD Abogados advised ITA on corporate matters, while Payet Rey Cauvi Pérez Abogados advised Elementa in Peru.
This transaction was complex mainly due to the structure negotiated between the parties, for a 5-year tranched purchase with proportional payments of debt and equity.
Torretti & Cía.’s team was comprised by partner Eduardo Torretti.
NLD Abogados’ team was represented by partner José Pablo Dulanto.
Payet Rey Cauvi Pérez Abogados’ team included partner Susan Castillo.
Guerrero Olivos team was led by partner Pedro Lyon (pictured), with support from senior associates Diego Rodríguez, Juan José García, Diego Morandé and Tomás Garnham, and associates Juan Pablo Ossa, Eduardo Larraín, Katharina Díaz, Josefa Campero, Ignacio Chomalí, Felipe Martínez, María José Rodríguez, Antonia Paredes, Begoña Albornoz, Cristián Ibarboure, Marcela Orellana, José Agustín Arratia and Catalina Soruco.