Guerrero Olivos has assisted Elementa Foods Chile (Elementa) in the due diligence process, negotiation and preparation of the necessary legal documentation for the acquisition of 100% of the shares of the Chilean companies Camilo Ferrón
Tags :NLD Abogados
Chilean law firm NLD Abogados has assisted David del Curto in the sale of 41.96% of the shares of Agropecuaria Wapri, a fruit producer for export. The shares were acquired by Inversiones Purranque and Asesorías
Chilean law firm NLD Abogados has counselled Frigorífico Pacífico, a subsidiary of Emergent Cold, in the extension of a financing granted by Scotiabank, BCI and BICE. The funds will be used for the
Chilean law firm NLD Abogados has advised Productora de Seguros Verónica Fletcher (PSVF) in the sale of its client portfolio to the insurance broker Arthur Gallagher (AJG). This transaction was completed on August 9. NLD’
NLD Abogados has advised SUMA, and its subsidiary Nubox, in the extension of a credit and the granting of new financing lines by Partners For Growth (PFG), a fund specialised in financing technology companies and