Carla Gorescu, Rodrigo Junqueira, Dante Zanotti and Zeca Berardo

Lefosse helps Lavoro in the acquisition of Referência Agroinsumos

Lefosse advised Lavoro Agro Holding and its affiliates, including Distribuidora Pitangueiras de Produtos Agrícolas, on the acquisition of control of Referência Agroinsumos that will hold, before the closing date, quotas representing the totality of the corporate capital of R.A. Rosário Comércio de Agroinsumos, Ref Comércio de Agroinsumos Sul, R.A. Comércio de Agroinsumos Central and R.A. Missões Comércio de Agroinsumos.

Closing of the transaction is subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions precedent and marks the entry of Lavoro into retail in Rio Grande do Sul.

Lefosse relied on partners Carla Gorescu, Rodrigo Junqueira, Dante Zanotti and Zeca Berardo (pictured from left to right); associates Marcella Homsi, Luisa Serrano and Lais Sousa.

Coelho Silva e Centeno Advogados represented Referência Agroinsumos.
