Holland & Knight, through its Bogota office, has counselled the Inter-American Investment Corporation (IDB Invest), as investor, on a subscription of 120 billion Colombian pesos (approx. USD $30 million) worth of sustainable bonds for Banco Finandina BIC.
Tags :Camilo Gantiva
Several firms in Peru, Colombia and Chile have advised on a medium-term syndicated loan of up to S/ 175,000,000.00 granted by Scotiabank Peru and Banco Santander in favour of Coney Island Attractions. The proceeds of the
Holland & Knight has assisted RCI Colombia in a public bond offering on the Colombian Stock Exchange (BVC), which raised 200 billion Colombian pesos (approximately $53 million). The bonds, issued on 4 April, were offered for 36 and 48 months.
Holland & Knight, through its team in Bogotá, has represented KMA Construcciones in obtaining a line of credit from Financiera de Desarrollo Nacional de Colombia (FDN), Bancolombia and Itaú Colombia. The contract was signed on 21
Holland & Knight has assisted Bancóldex in obtaining a USD $292 million Colombian peso-linked loan from JP Morgan Chase. The transaction closed on 19 December 2022, with the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) acting as guarantor. The
Holland & Knight Colombia has counselled the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), IDB Invest and the Latin American Green Bond Fund as investors in the first sustainable development bond issue by a bank in Latin America,