Estudio Echecopar, associated with Baker & McKenzie International, acted as advisor to Banco BBVA Perú and Banco de Credito del Perú on a US$32 million syndicated loan to Administradora Jockey Plaza Shopping Center. The loan
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Estudio Echecopar, associated with Baker & McKenzie International, has advised Banco Security, a Chilean bank, in the granting of a loan in favour of Consorcio Hotelero Global del Perú, a company in the hotel sector,
Estudio Echecopar, associated with Baker & McKenzie International, advised Viettel Perú in obtaining a medium-term financing granted by Banco de Crédito del Perú (BCP) for an amount of up to S/ 150’000,000.00. Miranda & Amado
Estudio Echecopar, associated with Baker & McKenzie International, has counselled Scotiabank Perú, as structurer, and Scotia Sociedad Agente de Bolsa, as placement agent, in the public offering of Negotiable Certificates of Deposit under Series L
Miranda & Amado has advised Cooke Inc, a Canadian multinational, in the acquisition of Corporación Pesquera Inca (Copeinca). Estudio Echecopar, associated with Baker & McKenzie International, has advised PF Cayman New Holdco Limited, as
Estudio Echecopar, associated with Baker & McKenzie International, has advised Grupo EDF (acting through EDF Peru) and AC Capitales Fondo Infraestructura II, L.P., AC Capitales Fondo Infraestructura II, and AC Capitales Fondo Infraestructura II
Estudio Echecopar, associated with Baker & McKenzie International, has advised Arauco Holding Perú, as issuer, on the structuring of a private corporate bond programme for an amount of PEN 400 million. The first senior unsecured issuance,
Estudio Echecopar, associated with Baker & McKenzie International, acted as legal advisor to Coöperatieve Rabobank in connection with the preparation and execution of a long-term loan granted to Agrícola Alaya. The funds were
Estudio Echecopar, associated with Baker & McKenzie International, has assisted Coöperatieve Rabobank in a medium-term secured loan in the amount of USD 15,000,000 to Corporación Agrolatina. The funds will be used to repay an
Estudio Echecopar, associated with Baker & McKenzie International, acted as legal counsel in two takeover bids within the framework of the regional integration process of the Peruvian, Chilean and Colombian stock exchanges. The firm advised