Rebaza Alcázar & De Las Casas has assisted AC Capitales SAFI on the incorporation of a private investment fund for real estate investments in Spain with an authorised capital of US$20 million. The Fund
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KLA assisted GPA, owner of the Pão de Açúcar banner, signed a sale and leaseback operation, that is, a purchase and sale commitment for later lease, with 11 of its supermarket stores for an
Barros & Errázuriz has represented CMB Prime Administradora General de Fondos, through the CMB-LV Infraestructura III Investment Fund, in the acquisition of 50.1% of the shares of Terminales Marítimos de la Patagonia, sole owner
Carey has assisted Greenvestment in the structuring and creation of Green H2 Fund I – Private Investment Fund, with the purpose of investing in non-conventional renewable energy projects with a focus on green hydrogen. This transaction