Gómez-Pinzón has assisted Mercantil Colpatria, and its subsidiaries Vince Business Corp, Vince Business Colombia and Banderato Colombia in the sale of a stake in Mineros to Sun Valley Investments. The deal involved the
Tags :Gómez Pinzón
Brigard Urrutia has counselled Ecopetrol, and Gómez-Pinzón has advised the lenders on a USD $1.2bn club deal external credit facility granted to Ecopetrol. The mixed nature of Ecopetrol made the transaction complex as
Gómez-Pinzón has counselled Duwest Colombia on an asset purchase and sale agreement with Del Monte Agrosciences, for the acquisition by Duwest of 100% of the assets of Del Monte Agrosciences for the development of
Gómez-Pinzón, through its IP team, has counselled The Walt Disney Company on image and music licensing, as well as drafting talent contracts for the production of the Mexican series “Papás por encargo” (