Stocche Forbes and Pinheiro Neto Advogados advised on the acquisition by VB0224 Participações, a company within the Vibra Group, of all the quotas representing 100% of the corporate capital of Cedro Serviços e Participaçõ
Tags :Marcos Chaves Ladeira
Pinheiro Neto, Machado Meyer and Eskenazi Pernidji Advogados acted on the acquisition, by Parshop Participações, a wholly owned subsidiary of Combrashop Cia. Brasileira de Shopping Centers, of 100% of the capital stock of BRASC RS
Pinheiro Neto advised Imerys on the successful completion of the disposal of its assets serving the paper market (approximately 900 employees in 24 plants in the Americas and Asia, as well as some locations in Europe) to
Pinheiro Neto Advogados advised Centro Paulista de Oncologia (a subsidiary of Oncoclínicas do Brasil Serviços Médicos) that formed a joint venture (60%-40%,respectively) with Porto Serviços e Comércio, to integrate
Pinheiro Neto Advogados assisted Oncoclínica Centro de Tratamento Oncológico (CTO) and Gaia Silva Gaede assisted Unimed-Rio Participações e Investimentos (Unimed-Rio) entered into a share purchase agreement for the acquisition by CTO of:
Souto Correa has advised Oncoclinicas and Huck Otranto Camargo has advised Porto Seguro on the formation of a joint venture to provide medical and cancer treatment services. Oncoclinicas will hold 60% of the enterprise and Porto