Mattos Filho advised MIH Internet Holdings and MIH Investments Merger Sub Limited, companies controlled by Prosus, a global investor and technology operator group, on the execution of merger agreement that resulted in 100% acquisition of Despegar.
Tags :Moacir Zilbovicius
Pinheiro Neto advised BTG on the acquisition of 100% of Serglobal Participações, the parent company of Sertrading group, an important player in foreign trade focused on import transactions, which was advised by Mattos Filho. The
Benetti & Giammarino Advogados advised AlmavivA Group, an Italian group which is one of the largest BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) and technology services providers worldwide, on the acquisition of 51% of the Magna Group, a Brazilian
Veirano Advogados advised Compass Comercialização, a subsidiary of Compass Gás e Energia that has entered into an agreement comprising an investment to be made in Biometano Verde Paulínia, a company under the
Mattos Filho represent the Ternium Group in a lawsuit filed by CSN, in 2012. CSN claims that the acquisition of shares of the Usimina’s controlling block, by Ternium Group, trigged, to the Ternium Group, the