VBSO Advogados and Monteiro Rusu Advogados, together with Itaú, Laqus, Liqi and Oliveira Trust, tokenized a commercial paper worth R$ 40 million from a company in the electric sector following the regulations of a traditional public
Tags :Oliveira Trust
The scenario for raising funds using the issue of debentures and securitization operations (CRI, CRA, CR) was the subject of analysis in the most recent report on the Brazilian private credit market on TTR Data (
Souto Correa advised Fulwood in the first issuance of book-entry commercial notes, with real and personal surety, in a single series, for public distribution, under the automatic registration procedure, by its subsidiary FW15 Empreendimentos Imobiliá
Cascione Advogados acted as deal counsel in the public and private offering of debentures, not convertible into shares, of the 1st senior debentures and 2nd subordinated debentures series of the 2nd issuance of Bamboo, backed
TozziniFreire Advogados has advised Terra Investimentos Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários, as lead coordinator and distributor of the Fund’s quotas, Milenio Capital Gestão de Investimentos, as the Fund’s asset
VBSO -Vaz, Buranello, Shingaki & Oioli Advogados advised Grupo Oliveira Trust on the capitalization of Grupo Solum, a holding company that develops businesses focused on alternative investments. The deal involved one of Grupo Solum’s