Pinheiro Neto Advogados advised Grupo Casas Bahia on its issuance of debentures, in 3 series, for public distribution, under the Best Efforts Placement Regime, totaling BRL 4,079,969,958. Machado Meyer acted as counsel of the arrangers. Pinheiro Neto
Tags :Pinheiro Neto Advogados
Pinheiro Neto advised on the 1st issuance of simple debentures, non convertible into shares, in one serie, with rem guarantee, by AXS Energia Unidade 08, as per CVM 160. The proceeds from this issuance will be allocated
Pinheiro Neto acted as deal counsel on the negociation whereby Pátria Investimentos entered into the energy trading market by establishing Tria Energia in partnership with industry executives. The new company, focusing on short-term trading
Souto Correa Advogados has advised the owners of Construteckma Engenharia on a structured sale agreement with RIP Serviços Industriais, a Brazilian subsidiary indirectly owned by KAEFER SE & Co KG, a German company that
Pinheiro Neto Advogados advised XP Infra II on the acquisition of 100% of the capital stock of Alameda Acre Participações, sole holding of Usina de Energia Eólica Vila Acre I SPE (“Vila Acre I”).
Mattos Filho advised Great Panther Mining Limited, a Canadian mining company, with the sale of 100% of its Brazilian subsidiaries, Mina Tucano and Tucano Resources, to the investment vehicle of Pilar Gold, named Tucano Gold. The
Pinheiro Neto Advogados advised Fiserv do Brasil Instituição de Pagamento that signed a quota purchase and other covenants to acquire Skytef Soluções em Captura de Transações, which was advised by Madrona Fialho
Pinheiro Neto and Stocche Forbes acted on the sale of 49,9% of the capital stock of BRB Loterias e Participações, with the subsequent capital increase of the company by the company’s shareholders subscribed proportionally
Pinheiro Neto acted as deal counsel in the issuance of CRA’s – agribusiness receivables certificates (certificados de recebíveis do agronegócio – CRA) of single serie of the 225th issuance of Eco Securitizadora de Direitos
Pinheiro Neto Advogados acted on the voluntary tender offer for up to 100% of BR Properties shares and capital reduction to be paid partly in cash in the amount of BRL 1,276,000,000 and partly in quotas from