Machado Meyer acted as deal counsel on the 1st issue of simple debentures, not convertible into shares, unsecured, in a single serie, for public distribution, under the CVM 160, by Lorenzetti Indústrias Brasileiras Eletrometalúrgicas,
Tags :Raphael Oliveira Zono
Machado Meyer acted as deal counsel for Chlorum Brasil Holding, as well as for Itaú BBA Assessoria Financeira, in the third issue of Negotiable Obligations, in Single Series, for Public Distribution, under the Automatic Distribution
Stocche Forbes acted as legal advisors to the company; Machado Meyer advised the underwriters on the public offering of the 9th issuance of debentures by Copel Geração e Transmissão, pursuant to CVM 160, in
Machado Meyer and Lobo de Rizzo advised on the 6th (sixth) issuance of simple debentures, non-convertible into shares, with firm guarantee of placement (pursuant to CVM Resolution 160) of Águas Guariroba. The transaction value was BRL 437,500,000.00
Cescon Barrieu advised the issuer and Machado Meyer advised the underwriter on the 1st issuance of commercial notes, in single series, for public offering, by Helexia Investimentos, with guarantee of Voltalia, pursuant to CVM 160. The
FLH has advised Grupo Ibemapar in the first public offering of senior secured infrastructure debentures, not convertible into shares, in a single series, issued by PCH BV II – Geração de Energia, in the total
Machado Meyer acted as deal counsel on the 2nd issue of commercial papers, in a single series, for public distribution, according to the CVM 160, of Shopping Metrô Itaquera Participações e Investimento, in the total
Monteiro, Rusu, Cameirão e Bercht Advogados and Machado Meyer Advogados acted in the 95th issue of real estate receivables certificates (CRA) of Vert Companhia Securitizadora, in 5 series, in the total amount of R$ 652 million,
Stocche Forbes and Machado Meyer advised on the public offering of Real Estate Receivables Certificates of the 249th issue, in 3 series, by True Securitizadora, backed by Real Estate Credits owed by Aché Laboratórios Farmacê
Machado Meyer acted as deal counsel on the 2nd issuance of simple debentures, not convertible into shares, with real guarantee and additional personal guarantee, for public distribution, through automatic registration, exclusively for professional investors, pursuant