Simpson Thacher represented Viveo in the offering of 1.2 billion Brazilian reais of ordinary shares on the São Paulo Stock Exchange (B3). The offering consisted of a primary offering of 36,697,248 ordinary shares and a secondary
Tags :Viveo
Pinheiro Neto Advogados advised Viveo (CM Hospitalar) that acquired all shares of Proinfusion, the biggest compounding pharmacy in Brazil, specialized at cancer treatments and parenteral nutrition. The target company had received an investment from Vinci
Coelho & Dalle Advogados, Madrona Advogados, BMA Advogados, VDV Advogados and Pinheiro Neto Advogados advised companies in the acquisition of Proinfusion by Viveo
Demarest Advogados advised Viveo and DNA Capital on the acquisition of Laboratório de Insumos Farmacêuticos Estéreis; FAMAP Nutrição Parenteral e Aporte Nutricional; and Hospshop Comércio, Importação, Exportação, Consultoria