T&C assists Eletrobras in the 1st transmission auction of 2023
Tauil & Chequer Advogados associated with Mayer Brown has assisted Eletrobras in the preparation and negotiation of contracts and other documents necessary for the company to participate in the Electrical Energy Transmission Auction nº 01/2023-ANEEL, held on 06.30.2023, at the headquarters of B3.
The company, through its subsidiary Furnas, presented a proposal for all the 9 lots offered in the Auction, winning Lot 4, composed of a Transmission Line, in the State of Minas Gerais, 303 km long and with an estimated investment of R$ 786.6 million, with a proposal for annual revenue of R$ 68.7 million and a discount of 45.75%.
Tauil & Chequer relied on partners Débora Yanasse (pictured left) and Luciana Sodré (pictured right); associates Lívia Seabra, Julio Barboza, Aline Brayner, Caio Uliana de Souza and Gabriel Cavalcanti.