Alexei Bonamin, Marcus Fonseca, Gustavo Rabello

TozziniFreire advise on the constitution of RecargaPay FIDC

TozziniFreire Advogados has advised Milenio Capital Gestão de Investimentos, as the Fund’s asset manager, Singulare Corretora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários, as the administrator, and RecargaPay group, as assignors and collection agent, in the preparation of documents relating to the constitution of RecargaPay Fundo de Investimento em Direitos Creditórios Empréstimos, registered at the CVM Instruction 476/09, of the quotas from the Fund’s first issue.

The transaction value was BRL 70 million.

The Fund’s investment policy is to acquire credit rights represented by bank credit notes issued by different debtors, individuals or entities, through RecargaPay platforms, with different payment formats.

TozziniFreire Advogados advised Milenio, Singulare, RecargaPay IP and RP SCD and relied on partners Alexei Bonamin, Marcus Fonseca, Gustavo Rabello (pictured from left to right), associates Daiane Nunes and Leonardo Braghetto.
