Ricardo Russo and Raphael Zono

Pinheiro Neto and Machado Meyer act on the PBG issuance

Pinheiro Neto advised the issuer and Machado Meyer worked as legal advisors to the lead underwriter bank in the fifth issuance of simple debentures, non convertible into shares, in a single series, of the species with a real guarantee and a fiduciary guarantee, for public distribution, under the automatic distribution registration process as per CVM Regulation 160, by PBG, in the total amount of BRL 675 million.

Pinheiro Neto advised PBG and Portobello Shop and relied on partner Ricardo S. Russo (pictured left), counsel Camila M. Derisio, associate Luiz Fernando de Araujo Plazza and Beatriz Pecci Marani.

Machado Meyer advised Banco Itaú BBA, Banco Bradesco BBI, UBS Brasil Corretora de Câmbio, Títulos e Valores Mobiliários and relied on partner Raphael Oliveira Zono (pictured right), lawyer Fernando Trentin Delarco, Mariana Ferreira Rodrigues,
