Rolim Goulart Cardoso Advogados has assisted Cemig Geração e Transmissão (CEMIG GT) in two recent transactions involving the sale of assets to Furnas Centrais Elétricas, wich was advised by Tauil & Chequer
Tags :Rolim Viotti Goulart Cardoso Advogados
Rolim, Viotti, Goulart, Cardoso Advogados has strengthened M&A and Corporate Practice with Daniel Tardelli Pessoa (pictured), the new head of this areas in São Paulo. Daniel has more than 20 years of corporate
VBSO Advogados advised Banco Bmg in the signing of share purchase agreement for the acquisition of 60% of MG Seguros, Vida e Previdência. Under the share purchase agreement, Banco Bmg and Integra Participações through