Bofill Mir Abogados has represented Lundin Mining Corporation in a binding purchase agreement with JX Nippon Mining & Metals Corporation and certain of its subsidiaries to acquire 51% of SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile, a wholly
Tags :Bofill Mir
Bofill Mir Abogados has announced the promotion of Feliciano Tomarelli and Alina Bendersky, from the corporate and mining and natural resources practices, respectively, as well as the incorporation of Francisco Ducci, in the mining and
Chilean law firm Bofill Mir has named Tomás Pérez Lasserre (pictured) as a new partner of the firm, relaunching the Litigation practice with his incorporation, effective 3 January 2023. In this regard, the new partner
Bofill Mir Abogados has assisted EF Securitizadora in the structuring, registration and placement of a securitized bond issue per line, for a maximum amount of 1,500,000 UF for 10 years. The securitized assets correspond to invoices originated
Chilean law firm Bofill Mir Abogados has counselled Energía Latina (Enlasa) in the structuring and negotiation with Empresas Gasco, which culminated in the sale by Enlasa of its shares in the affiliated company Innovació