Bomchil advised Aluar Aluminio Argentino, and Marval O’Farrell Mairal advised the underwriters and the representative of the holders, in the issuance of the Series 9 Notes for a total nominal amount of USD $50,000,000. The issue
Tags :Gabriel Matarasso
Bomchil has assisted Aluar Aluminio Argentino, and Marval O’Farrell Mairal has assisted the underwriters and the representative of the holders, in a new issuance of series 8 notes for a total nominal amount of USD $100,000,000.
Marval O’Farrell Mairal has advised CNH Industrial Capital Argentina (CNHI Capital) in its issuance of Class 6 notes, denominated in US dollars, to be subscribed, integrated and payable in Pesos at the applicable exchange rate,
Marval O’Farrell Mairal has advised BNP Paribas Group on the sale of 100% of the shares of BNP Asset Management Argentina and BNP Paribas Argentina Asset Management. The transaction was completed on 7 November 2023, and closing
Marval O’Farrell Mairal has counselled BNP Paribas, a renowned international financial group, on the sale of Cardif Seguros and Cardif Servicios, companies providing insurance and related services, to Grupo ST, an economic group with
Bomchil has advised Aluar Aluminio Argentino, and Marval O’Farrell Mairal the underwriters, in the issuance of Aluar Aluminio’s Series 7 Guaranteed Notes for a total nominal amount of US$137,898,136. The issue took place on 12
Marval O’Farrell Mairal has counselled an investment group in the transaction with Grupo IRSA to acquire a 50% shareholding in Quality Invest and in the subsequent sale of this shareholding to Grupo ECIPSA. The transaction
Marval O’Farrell Mairal has advised CNH Industrial Capital Argentina SA (CNHI Capital), and Pérez Alati Grondona Benites & Arntsen advised the underwriters, in the issuance of dollar-linked notes due May 2025 at a rate
Bomchil has advised Aluar Aluminio Argentino (Aluar), and Marval O’Farrell Mairal has advised the underwriters, in its issuance of US $100,000,000 par value dollar-linked notes at an annual nominal rate of 0.00%. The issue was made
Pérez Alati Grondona Benites & Arntsen has assisted the underwriters in the issuance of zero-rate dollar-linked notes of CNH Industrial Capital Argentina, integrated in kind through the delivery in exchange of Class 1 Notes, for