Zavagna Gralha Advogados advised CTA Smart which received an investment of BRL 16 million, of which BRL 10 million from Invisto, which was advised by Madrona Fialho and BRL 6 million from Indicador, which was advised by BMA
Tags :Jane Goldman Nusbaum
BMA advised the issuer; Stocche Forbes acted as legal advisors to the underwriter in the context of the public secondary offering of Class A shares issued by Gazit Malls Real Estate Investment Fund, pursuant to
BMA Advogados have acted as Brazilian advisors to CSN Resources, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (issuer) and Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN) in connection with the
BMA Advogados advised Sotreq; Pinheiro Neto Advogados assisted Banco Itaú BBA on the formation of a receivables investment fund (FIDC), by means of which clients of Sotreq that fit the eligibility criteria provided for in
BMA advised PetroReconcavo and its subsidiaries in securing an international syndicated loan in the amount of US$ 60 million, entered into with Itaú Unibanco – Miami Branch, Banco Santander (Brasil), Luxembourg Branch and Banco do Brasil, Tokyo
BMA advised on the issuance of real estate receivables certificates (CRI) of the 1st series of the 170th issuance of Opea Securitizadora, backed by real estate credits arising from the second issuance of commercial notes
Barbosa Müssnich Aragão Advogados assisted Galleria Correspondente Bancário Sociedade Unipessoal in regarding the issuance of real estate receivables certificates (CRIs) of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd series of the 116th issuance of
Barbosa Müssnich Aragão Advogados (BMA) acted as legal counsel to Central Capital Gestão de Recursos in its 1st issuance of simple debentures, non-convertible into shares, of unsecured type, in four series, for
BMA advised certain shareholder, as offeror, in a secondary offering, under the CVM Instruction 476, of shares of Vinci Shopping Centers Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário – FII (VISC11) owned by the offeror. BMA Advogados relied on
BMA advised BanQi Instituição de Pagamento on the organization and operation of a non-standard receivables investment fund (FIDC-NP), managed by Banco Genial, with Genial Gestão as its portfolio manager, as well as in