Nicholson y Cano has assisted San Miguel, a producer and exporter of lemons in the southern hemisphere, and Tanoira Cassagne Abogados the underwriters, in the placement of shares following the 2017 llow on, representing the first
Tags :Negotiable Obligations
Cerolini & Ferrari Abogados has counselled Granville and the banks involved, in the issuance of its Negotiable Obligations Series III for an amount of AR$ 650,000,000. The issue was made on April 28th, under the Ré
Nicholson y Cano Abogados has advised Red Surcos, an agricultural inputs company, as issuer, and Tanoira Cassagne has advised the underwriters, in the issuance of Series X Negotiable Obligations for a total par value of
Cerolini & Ferrari Abogados has acted as advisor in a new issue of negotiable obligations of Agrofin Agrocommodities, under the Régimen PyME CNV Garantizada for a value of US$ 1,227,644. The Series III Notes were
Salaverri Burgio & Wetzler Malbrán has counselled CT Barragan in the issuance of its US dollar denominated Class 9 Negotiable Obligations at a fixed rate of 0% annual nominal amount, maturing on 3 April 2026, for a total
Cerolini & Ferrari Abogados has advised on the issuance of Series III Negotiable Obligations of Pelayo Agronomía, under the PyME CNV Guaranteed Regime for an amount of US $2.909.859. The issue was made on 30 March,
DLA Piper, Lorente & López Abogados and Martínez de Hoz & Rueda have advised on the issuance of Negotiable Obligations Series XCIX Class 1 and 2, and Negotiable Obligations Series C Class 1 and Class 2 of
Salaverri Burgio & Wetzler Malbrán has advised Capex in the issuance of its Class III Notes and Class IV Notes denominated in US dollars at a fixed rate of 0.00%, maturing on 27 February 2026 and 27 February 2027
Tavarone Rovelli Salim & Miani has assisted MSU Energy, and Bruchou & Funes de Rioja assisted the arranger and underwriters, in the issuance of US $15,100,000 par value Class VII Notes. The Notes were issued on 12
Beccar Varela has advised Petróleos Sudamericanos (Petrosud) in its inaugural issuance in the local capital market, by issuing class I negotiable obligations, non-convertible into shares, unsecured, denominated in dollars and payable in pesos, for