Pinheiro Neto and Machado Meyer acted on the issuance of Agribusiness Receivables Certificates (CRA) in three series of the issue of Eco Securitizadora de Direitos Creditórios, backed by Agribusiness Credit Rights owed by Adecoagro
Tags :Rafael Gaspar
Pinheiro Neto Advogados acted as deal counsel on the 2th issue of simple unsecured debentures, non-convertible into shares, for public distribution, in a single series, under the automatic rite, issued by Raízen, in accordance
Pinheiro Neto Advogados assisted Farm Tech Gestão de Recursos on the first issuance of the second series of Farm Tech Bradesco Asset Agro I Fundo de Investimento em Direitos Creditórios (FIDC) senior quotas.
BMA Advogados advised Sotreq; Pinheiro Neto Advogados assisted Banco Itaú BBA on the formation of a receivables investment fund (FIDC), by means of which clients of Sotreq that fit the eligibility criteria provided for in
Pinheiro Neto advised the company and Machado Meyer advised the underwriter on the first issuance of debentures of Soneva Energias Renováveis, in the total amount of R$6.767.910.000,00 The issuance of the debentures was part
Pinheiro Neto, Sherman & Stearling, Pinheiro Guimarães and Davis Polk acted on the exchange offer by Azul of any and all of the outstanding 5.875% senior notes due 2024 for the 11.500% senior secured second out notes
Pinheiro Neto Advogados acted in the 1st private issuance of debentures by Atvos Bioenergia. Pinheiro Neto advised Atvos Energia and Soneva Energias Renováveis and relied on partner Rafael Gaspar (pictured), counsel Marcos Saldanha Proenç
Pinheiro Neto Advogados acted as deal counsel to the transaction that consisted in the structuring of the Fundo de Investimento em Direitos Creditórios Opea Agro Insumos, a receivables investment fund (FIDC), by means of
Pinheiro Neto Advogados was counsel to the issuer on the 4th issuance of debentures by Tupy, as per CVM Rulling 476. The proceeds from the debentures will be used for the purchase of International Indústria
Pinheiro Neto Advogados acted as special Brazilian counsel to Planeta Securitizadora (issuer), and to the advisors and structuring entities Sustainable Investment Management (SIM) and Traive in the first Green CRA Issuance denominated in US dollars (